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Diagnostic Reading #35: Five “Must Read” Articles on HIT and Radiology

Reading Time: 2 minutes read

In the news: longer shifts for residents lead to more errors; computerized alerts can improve patient outcomes.

This week’s articles in Diagnostic Reading include: residents think longer shifts may result in more errors; cancer screenings still below national goals; can AI technology help facilitate radiology workflow?; protecting against malpractice claims; and computerized alerts can help patient outcomes.

Radiologist examining a report

Diagnostic Reading keeps you up to date on current news.

35% of residents think 1st-year residents working longer shifts will lead to more mistakes – Radiology Business

Thirty-five percent of residents think a policy change that allows first-year residents to work more hours could lead to more accidents and errors, according to a recent survey published by Medscape. The Medscape Residents Lifestyle & Happiness Report 2018 collected data from more than 1,900 residents in dozens of specialties. Respondents said managing the balance between work and life continues to be their greatest challenge, coming in No. 1 for the third straight year. Read the blog by a practicing radiologist who uses meditation to stay focused on diagnostic readings.

CDC report: Cancer screening rates remain below national goals – Health Imaging

Cancer screening rates in the U.S. over the past 15 years remain short of national goals, according to recent analysis performed by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and published in Preventing Chronic Disease. Across all tests, the lowest screening rates were consistently associated with having no consistent source of healthcare, no insurance, low income and less education, among other factors.

Radiology beyond the machine – HIMSS Europe Insights

As artificial intelligence (AI) is increasingly permeating medical imaging, its integration into clinical practice will depend on the capacity of AI technology to facilitate workflow. The article examines how far radiology has advanced on this path. Learn how AI applications embedded in the enterprise imaging platform can help with workflow.

Is your practice at risk of a malpractice claim? – Aunt Minnie

Medical malpractice claims that allege radiological errors are common; radiology is No. 2 on a list of medical specialties most likely to be sued, according to a recently released report by medical liability insurer Coverys. This article spotlights several simple ways your practice can protect itself. Read the blog on 15 strategies to help minimize radiological errors.

Computerized alerts can improve patient outcomes – Clinical Innovation + Technology

Patients of physicians who use computerized alerts are less likely to suffer complications. The systems also can lower readmission rates as well as lengths of stay and costs, according to a study in the American Journal of Managed Care. In the observational study, researchers analyzed the correlation between the use of clinical decision support (CDS) alerts and improved patient clinical and financial outcomes.

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