Overcoming the complexities of CXR without a dose penalty. Chest X-rays (CXR) are one of the most difficult radiographs to interpret. The dense chest structure includes complex overlying and underlying patient anatomy, and the ever-present motions of the lungs and heart. Ideally, radiologists would like to

De autoria da Dr.ª Cheryl Turner, diretora de educação e de treinamento globais na Legion Healthcare Partners; e fundadora do Rad-Cast, o podcast de educação continuada para profissionais de radiologia. Principais causas de experiências adversas do paciente em radiologia. Neste blog,vamos abordar exemplos reais de experiências adversas

Radiation dose has long been an important industry topic. Recently, attention has broadened from the health field to prominent mainstream/consumer awareness. With more patients becoming sensitized to this topic, imaging professionals are fielding more dose-related questions—including those related to projection radiography. Given the substantial benefits of