Carestream customers realized average reject rate reduction of 16%. (1) Do you know that, on average,18% of imaging exams require retakes? (2). Repeating imaging exams increases the workload of your radiographers who are already stretched too thin; increases the exposure of the affected patients; and contributes

Mid-cycle refresh can increase clinical, operational, and security benefits. How would you rate the value you are getting from your current X-ray imaging equipment? Does it support new medical imaging software that can help improve clinical outcomes? Does it have automation features that improve operational efficiencies? Does

Study results demonstrate Smart Noise Cancellation delivers significant improvement in dose efficiency. Table of contents Radiation dose reduction study Reader study results Study conclusions Best practice in medical X-ray imaging employs the principle of ALARA – “as low as reasonably achievable” – for radiation dose management. A consequence of this

Overcoming the complexities of CXR without a dose penalty. Chest X-rays (CXR) are one of the most difficult radiographs to interpret. The dense chest structure includes complex overlying and underlying patient anatomy, and the ever-present motions of the lungs and heart. Ideally, radiologists would like to