Can you guess the image in the X-Ray? This month's "Guess the X-Ray Image Challenge!" is here! We welcome radiologists, technologists, RAs, MDs, PAs - or anyone who thinks they're up to the challenge - to guess the object in this X-Ray. Please leave your

La demanda de imágenes móviles aumenta a medida que las ubicaciones poco probables se convierten en centros de atención urgente. En respuesta a la abrumadora y aplastante necesidad de atención crítica de pacientes infectados con la enfermedad por coronavirus, las agencias gubernamentales, los proveedores de atención

An imaging informatics fellowship director and fellow share their insights. By Dr. Teresa Martin-Carreras and Dr. Tessa S. Cook, Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania. At first glance, the principles of patient care in radiology and imaging informatics might seem at odds. Patient care being very personal,

Can you guess the image in the X-Ray? This month's "Guess the X-Ray Image Challenge!" is here! We welcome radiologists, technologists, RAs, MDs, PAs - or anyone who thinks they're up to the challenge - to guess the object in this X-Ray. Please leave your