Obtenez des réponses à vos questions et assistez aux démonstrations de systèmes d’imagerie diagnostique et de solutions informatiques orientées santé lors des JFR 2018. Le cycle de diagnostic médical est constitué de plusieurs composantes dépendantes les unes des autres, la partie la plus importante étant indéniablement couverte

Can you guess the image in the X-ray? This month's “Guess the X-ray Image Challenge!” is here! We welcome radiologists, technologists, RAs, MDs, PAs – or anyone who thinks they’re up to the challenge – to guess the subject in this X-ray. Please leave your answer in the comment

Can you guess the image in the X-ray? This month's “Guess the X-ray Image Challenge!” is here! We welcome radiologists, technologists, RAs, MDs, PAs – or anyone who thinks they’re up to the challenge – to guess the subject in this X-ray. Please leave your answer in the comment