This article originally ran on the Imaging Technology News (ITN) website, and is republished with its permission. The silence is deafening.  And since radiology associations, physician groups and vendors have yet to publicly respond to the elephant in the room, I offer the following in hopes

We are on to the second Image Challenge of 2015! January's image was floss and toothpaste, which was correctly identified fairly quickly. Maybe this month's image will be more challenging. The February image is below. Please leave your guesses in the comments or on our Facebook page. The challenge will

Happy New Year! It is time for the first image challenge of 2015. December's image was a stick of deodorant, which was correctly identified. Maybe this month's image will be more challenging. The January image is below. Please leave your guesses in the comments or on our Facebook page. The challenge

Happy Holidays! Time for a new Guess the X-ray Image Challenge. Last month we had a fluorescent light bulb, which nobody identified correctly. Good luck on this month's challenge as you enjoy company with family and friends. This month’s image is below. Please leave your guesses below or

[caption id="attachment_6300" align="alignright" width="300"] Source: Wikipedia[/caption] The world’s market for diagnostic imaging is growing fast. Specifically, it is expected to grow at a at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 4.7% from 2013-2018, reaching around $27.1 billion by 2018. In 2013, the US had the largest

In addition to demonstrating our latest medical imaging and healthcare IT solutions in South Hall Booth #4735 at RSNA 2014, we are also proud that a few of our scientists will be presenting with researchers from prestigious medical schools on a number of topics. The four presentations are

This year marks the 100th annual RSNA conference, with the theme “A Century of Transforming Medicine.” Over the last century, we have achieved the unthinkable. Never would we have thought that we can capture a 3D image with such clarity and accuracy, or that we

[caption id="attachment_6081" align="alignleft" width="383"] Radiology a hundred years ago was still a heroic endeavor not just for the patients but also for the personnel. Concepts such as protection against the danger of ionizing radiation were largely unknown or ignored.[/caption] The horrors of war stimulated a remarkable