Can you guess the image in the X-ray? This month's "Guess the X-ray Image Challenge!" is here! We welcome radiologists, technologists, RAs, MDs, PAs - or anyone who thinks they're up to the challenge - to guess the object in this X-ray. Please leave your answer

Estudios pilotos sobre imágenes médicas de fluoroscopia en el cuarto del paciente en la unidad de cuidados intensivos neonatales del hospital pediátrico. Por el Dr. Mark C. Liszewski, Children’s Hospital en Montefiore. Las radiografías y ecografías portátiles son los pilares en las evaluaciones de diagnóstico iniciales de

Hospital infantil adota abordagem pioneira de aquisição de imagens de fluoroscopia no leito em unidade de terapia intensiva neonatal. Por Mark C. Liszewski, médico do Hospital Infantil de Montefiore. A radiografia e a ultrassonografia portáteis são os pilares da avaliação diagnóstica inicial em pacientes em estado grave.

Can you guess the image in the X-ray? This month's "Guess the X-ray Image Challenge!" is here! We welcome radiologists, technologists, RAs, MDs, PAs - or anyone who thinks they're up to the challenge - to guess the object in this X-ray. Please leave your answer