Muitos países não apresentam infraestrutura de rede, de armazenamento e de monitores médicos para fornecer aos profissionais de saúde acesso online às imagens médicas dos pacientes para diagnóstico e planejamento de tratamento.  Filmes médicos são impressos para transporte, armazenamento e visualização de imagens médicas. Os profissionais

Many countries lack the network, storage, and medical display infrastructure to provide healthcare providers on-line access to patients’ medical images for diagnosis and treatment planning.  Medical films are printed for transport, storage, and display of medical images.   Healthcare providers must decide on the brand and printing

The role of quick imaging in building your urgent care practice. Urgent care practice managers have many priorities, including building the practice. One way to approach this challenge is to consider the factors that lead patients to choose urgent healthcare centers over other options available to