Radiology challenge image—this one is even harder than the last one (which nobody guessed correctly!). Step up to it, radiologists, technologists, RAs, MDs, PAs – guess the subject of this educational x-ray quiz and we’ll send you an Everything Rad coffee mug—definitely a status symbol on

Today we’re dealing with a confusing topic with significant clinical, technical and legal ramifications. Specific retention requirements—like screening conventions themselves—vary widely by country as well as locally at the province/state level. In general, retention of prior film and digital images falls into two very different camps:

Connecticut recently passed a law mandating that women undergoing mammography screening be informed of their breast tissue density. Much discussion has followed as to whether this is a good idea for patients, and what the ramifications might be for mammography centers and women’s health providers

Dr. Andrew Maidment, University of Pennsylanvia, discusses DBT and future directions in women's healthcare imaging Andrew Maidment, Ph.D., FAAPM, is Associate Professor of Radiology; Co-Director, HHMI-NIBIB Interfaces Scholars Program in Biomedical Imaging and Informational Sciences, and; Chief, Physics Section at the Hospital of the University of