
[caption id="attachment_3824" align="alignleft" width="109"] Lynn La Pietra, Ph.D., Senior Research Scientist, Carestream[/caption] [caption id="attachment_3825" align="alignleft" width="106"] John Yorkston, Ph.D., Senior Research Scientist, Carestream[/caption] Editor's note: read the more recent blog on a task-based observer study conducted with Hershey Medical Center on pediatric fracture detection.  Radiography trends related to

[caption id="attachment_3811" align="alignleft" width="100"] Cristen Bolan, Executive Editor, Applied Radiology[/caption] Guest post by Cristen Bolan, executive editor, Applied Radiology. For those of you who follow the Chinese calendar, you know that 2013 is the year of the snake, which according to ancient Chinese wisdom, a snake in

[caption id="attachment_3811" align="alignleft" width="100"] Cristen Bolan, Executive Editor, Applied Radiology[/caption] Guest post by Cristen Bolan, executive editor, Applied Radiology. There is no such thing as a free lunch—in the end someone has to foot the bill. So, here’s my question: Who got pushed off the fiscal cliff?      A.

[caption id="attachment_3628" align="alignleft" width="135"] Jackie Whaley, Carestream[/caption] Three studies by Carestream R&D presented at RSNA this week featured some of  our latest work to reduce patient dose exposure: First, “Maximizing Lesion Conspicuity in Chest Radiography: Application of Low-Energy X-rays with Rib-contrast Suppression” was presented on Monday. The study

[caption id="attachment_3562" align="alignleft" width="125"] Mike Foley, Director of Radiology Services, Tufts Medical Center[/caption] Our radiology services team completes nearly 28,000 portable exams each year throughout the medical center. Mobile X-ray’s role in our patient care strategy continues to grow, making efficiency and image quality paramount. The first

This is a guest-post by Robert Whitmarsh, RT (R), CNMT, Director of Medical Imaging Administration, St. Joseph’s Hospital Health Center (Syracuse, N.Y.). [caption id="attachment_3528" align="alignright" width="274"] St. Joseph’s Hospital Health Center in Syracuse, N.Y.[/caption] Our hospital retrofitted three of our portable x-ray systems with CARESTREAM DRX detectors, which are

Congratulations to those who correctly identified October’s image — popcorn! For those who were stumped – try again this month! Place your guess in the comments. [caption id="attachment_3521" align="aligncenter" width="308"] Can you guess what this is an X-ray of?[/caption] The “Guess the X-Ray” challenge runs until December 2.  The