[caption id="attachment_5224" align="alignleft" width="148"] Dr. Harmindar Gill, Medical Director, Premier Women’s Radiology (Bonita Springs, Fla.)[/caption] As a female radiologist, I have created a practice dedicated to women’s imaging that includes digital breast tomosynthesis (DBT), breast and body ultrasound, whole body bone density screening and other services.

[caption id="attachment_4632" align="alignleft" width="150"] Rich Pulvino, Digital Media Specialist, Carestream[/caption] ECR 2014 is hardly a day old and ESR has already made a splash with its new initiative, EuroSafe Imaging--a mission "to support and strengthen medical radiation protection across Europe following a holistic, inclusive approach." The necessity

[caption id="attachment_2181" align="alignleft" width="136"] Cristine Kao, Global Marketing Manager, Healthcare IT, Carestream[/caption] Enterprise data management has always been a daunting task. Best practices and case studies are often shared because telling these war stories is how facilities can best learn from one another. It is a