Congratulations to those who correctly identified October’s image — popcorn! For those who were stumped – try again this month! Place your guess in the comments. [caption id="attachment_3521" align="aligncenter" width="308"] Can you guess what this is an X-ray of?[/caption] The “Guess the X-Ray” challenge runs until December 2.  The

[caption id="attachment_3156" align="alignleft" width="139"] Luann Culbreth, M Ed, MBA, RT(R)(MR)(QM), CRA, FSMRT, FAHRA[/caption] Editor’s Note:  The Association for Medical Imaging Management opens it's annual meeting on Sunday in Orlando, FL.  You can find Carestream in booth 609. Luann Culbreth, M Ed, MBA, RT(R)(MR)(QM), CRA, FSMRT, FAHRA, president

July’s x-ray stumped our Everything Rad readers.  A few got very close, but no one got all six items of the grocery bag correct: But there are still plenty of images!  Here’s the image for the August challenge: You can place your guess in the comments. The “Guess the

[caption id="attachment_1433" align="alignleft" width="150"] David H. Foos, Clinical Applications Research, Carestream[/caption] In recent conversations with clinical colleagues, the comment was made that “our sickest patients get the worst imaging." On further investigation I found that in portable chest imaging, anti-scatter grids are infrequently used, despite their

[caption id="attachment_1433" align="alignleft" width="107"] David H. Foos, Clinical Applications Research, Carestream[/caption] Editor’s note:   UKRC opens today in Manchester, UK. The annual Congress of  The British Institute of Radiology, The Society and College of Radiographers, and The Institute of Physics and Engineering in Medicine, covers all aspects of diagnostic