AHRA is always a valuable opportunity for us to hear from the radiology community and learn what's really important to hospitals and radiology administrators.  In addition to meetings with customers, we talked with representatives from some of the key radiology publications to understand what hot

We had great responses to July's image, and this time there were a lot of correct guesses!  So, what was it?  Last month's image was a sea shell!      Congratulations to Melodie, who was the first person to correctly identify the subject of our challenge.  We'll be

While it's been established that Meaningful Use applies to radiology,  the topic still challenges radiologists as they prepare for compliance.  Earlier this week we sponsored “The Evolution of Meaningful Use in Radiology” seminar in Dallas, Texas, featuring Keith J. Dreyer, D.O., Ph.D. , Associate Chairman, Medical

CARESTREAM Vue Motion is the new mobile, zero-footprint viewer from Carestream Health. Michael Hornback demonstrated this new system on-site at SIIM 2011, highlighting the ability to view and manipulate images, reports and prior studies on any device or browser.

Again there were some great guesses for May's image!  This time we did receive correst responses.  So, what was it?  The subject of last month's image was a slice of swiss cheese. Congratulations to Alexander Schumm, this month's winner!  Though several people correctly identified the subject