[caption id="attachment_2657" align="alignleft" width="100"] Helen Titus, Marketing Director, X-ray Solutions, Carestream[/caption] Over the Polar Ice. Right now, Carestream is on a six-month trek across the frigid Antarctic continent. Well, none of our people are actually on the trip – but one of our flagship products is. On March

A big congratulations to the person who correctly identified March’s Image Challenge, which was a mango. Many people identified that it was a melon, but it was definitely difficult to tell what type. We're chugging along in 2013, and we're already onto the image for April!

[caption id="attachment_3403" align="alignleft" width="123"] Ludovic d’Apréa, Carestream Manager, France-Belgium-Luxembourg Region[/caption] With the European Congress of Radiology (ECR) in Vienna, Austria, approaching fast in March 2013, it’s appropriate to take a look at the issues and challenges the industry faces, as well as what attendees can expect