Happy Holidays! Time for a new Guess the X-ray Image Challenge. Last month we had a fluorescent light bulb, which nobody identified correctly. Good luck on this month's challenge as you enjoy company with family and friends. This month’s image is below. Please leave your guesses below or

Happy November! Time for a new Guess the X-ray Image Challenge. Last month we had a laser light key chain, which was identified pretty quickly. Hopefully this month's image is a little more difficult. This month’s image is below; please leave your guesses below or on our Facebook page. The challenge

When it comes to medical imaging it is no secret that every second counts. The modern healthcare environment can be incredibly fast-paced and medical imaging professionals demand, and deserve, the best when it comes to time-saving technologies. We wanted to compare the efficiency of DR compared to CR

[caption id="attachment_5541" align="alignleft" width="138"] Laurie Cesar, Application Engineer, DMS, Carestream Health[/caption] [caption id="attachment_5542" align="alignleft" width="144"] Jenn Thwaits, Application Engineer, DMS, Carestream Health[/caption] Customers have never had more access to information than they do today. Everything they need is at their fingertips- product reviews, testimonials, competitor information. It’s

Happy June! A new month means a new Image Challenge. Last month we had another difficult image--eye makeup--but congratulations to the person who guessed it correctly. Below is the image for June's "Guess the X-ray". Please leave your comments below or on our Facebook page. The challenge will