Hamilton General Hospital Takes the DRX-Revolution for a Test Drive

Reading Time: 2 minutes read

Glen Nicholson

Glen Nicholson, Medical Sales, Carestream Canada

At the beginning of the year I posed an interesting question to Cheryl Malcolmson, RT (R), Manager, Diagnostic Imaging, Hamilton General Hospital, Hamilton, Canada:

“Can I interest you in a test drive?”

No, I wasn’t selling her a Volvo. But I was offering her facility the opportunity to be a  trade trial site for the CARESTREAM DRX-Revolution Mobile X-Ray System.

Bedside diagnostic imaging has several frustrating challenges ranging from maneuverability to positioning and alignment. Carestream engineering teams developed the first mobile DR system designed “from the ground up” with technologist workflow in mind.  Now we needed to see if we got it right and that required a system test drive.

Hamilton General Hospital is a leading healthcare provider, not only for the downtown community of Hamilton, but for the entire South Central Ontario region. It is recognized as a regional centre of excellence in cardiovascular care, neurosciences, trauma and burn treatment, making it an ideal site for our trade trial – a provider where mobile x-ray systems are an essential tool in treating what are often the sickest of patients – those confined to bed and in need of urgent care.  Cheryl agreed to be a test site for the DRX-Revolution and the trade trial is now complete.

Has the DRX-Revolution redefined mobile x-ray? I’ll let Cheryl and her team share their experience with you:

I’ve been anxiously waiting for this system to hit hospital hallways because I know what a difference it will make in technologist productivity and satisfaction. Hearing a Hamilton technologist comment:

“Really nice images on a system that is easy to drive — just like a lawn mower…”

Means a true x-ray room on wheels is now a reality.

Thanks so much to Cheryl and her team at Hamilton Hospital for putting the DRX-Revolution through the paces in the trial.

Have you taken a test drive of our DRX-Revolution at RSNA or another event? What did you think? 


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