Diagnostic Reading #16: Five “Must Read” Articles on HIT and Radiology
Reading Time: 2 minutes read
Patient portals and outpatient imaging centers are in the news.
This week’s articles include: radiologists can play a pivotal role in stroke diagnosis; education of older patients is key to adoption of patient portals; including informal caregivers in discharge planning can cut readmissions by 25%; outpatient imaging centers are on the rise; and 83% of executives plan to invest in telehealth.
Cardiac findings in stroke: What radiologists need to know – AuntMinnie Europe
Advances in CT and MRI make it feasible to identify subtle cardiac pathologies responsible for strokes that used to remain unnoticed. This puts greater emphasis on the know-how of imaging professionals, according to Spanish researchers who received a prestigious magna cum laude award at ECR 2017. “Radiologists play a pivotal role in stroke diagnosis and management,” noted Dr. Flavio Zuccarino and colleagues from the thoracic radiology section in the department of radiology at Hospital del Mar in Barcelona, Spain.
With education, older patients will adopt patient portals – HIMSS
Patient portals are a promising way to engage patients. However, providers must take the time to educate patient populations who stand to benefit the most from the new interface. A recent study found that older patients are interested in using portals, but tend to need more help getting used to them. A survey found that most older adults are interested in using a patient portal regardless of health literacy level, previous patient portal adoption, or experience navigating health information on the Web.
Including informal caregivers in discharge planning can cut readmissions by 25% – Clinical Innovation+Technology
When an elderly patient’s caregivers are included in the discharge, readmission rates can be reduced by 25 percent, according to a study that was the first to examine the impact of integrating caregivers into a discharge plan. According to the researchers, caregivers (who are often family members) provide 80 percent of all community-based long-term care for older patients, making them crucial after discharge.
The inevitable rise of outpatient imaging centers – Healthmanagement.org
Countries around the world have different relationships with advanced diagnostic imaging in an outpatient environment. In Australia and Italy, it is not uncommon to find imaging centers in shopping malls, a concept which is anathema in the UK and South Africa. A shift from hospital based imaging services to a mixed model of both hospital and outpatient center imaging is inevitable in the current environment. Outpatient diagnostic imaging centers can be more efficient both financially and operationally. Outpatient centers also offer easier access and parking.
Bright times: 83% of execs plan to invest in telehealth Clinical Innovation+Technology
The American Telemedicine Association conducted a survey that found 83 percent of healthcare executives plan to invest in telehealth. Telehealth is rapidly becoming an alternative avenue for accessing care for patients in rural areas and those seeking outside specialists. Patients demand increased access to telehealth and they are likely to get it since 98 percent of survey respondents believe telehealth services create a competitive advantage.
Check back next Friday for a new issue of Diagnostic Reading. #healthIT