Diagnostic Reading #47: Five “Must Read” Articles on HIT and Radiology
Reading Time: 3 minutes read
Artificial intelligence, MRI scans, and patient care make this week’s headlines.
This week’s articles in Diagnostic Reading include: the different views of AI’s impact in radiology; how a personal social media platform can help radiologists; a possible link between blood flow and Alzheimer’s; reasons why radiologists help improve patients’ overall care; and most people think EHRs are good for healthcare.
Artificial intelligence in radiology: the game-changer on everyone’s mind – Radiology Business
Although AI will certainly impact the field of radiology, there are different perspectives as to what the effect will be. Much of the current activity—for example, research and development—is focused on the future. However, AI and its offshoots, machine learning and deep learning, are changing radiology now.
Radiologists take to Facebook for subspecialized info sharing – Health Imaging
Many radiologists currently use Twitter and LinkedIn for staying on top of matters related to their work. Yet a study recently published in the Journal of the American College of Radiology shows that radiologists would benefit from using Facebook— the social media platform that’s commonly thought of as purely personal online space—for the same purposes. The study’s authors suggest that radiology subspecialties could use Facebook as a worthwhile means of communicating with peers and colleagues.
MRI shows possible link between blood flow, Alzheimer’s – AuntMinnie.com
MRI scans have confirmed there is reduced blood flow in key regions of the brain associated with memory and early dementia in older people whose hearts pump less blood, according to a recent study published in Neurology. These finding suggest the blood flow in the brain’s temporal lobe regions caused by poor heart function could be significant, since this is where Alzheimer’s disease is known to develop first.
3 reasons radiology’s potential to impact patient care should not be underestimated – Radiology Business
An analysis recently published in Current Problems in Diagnostic Radiology contains a message radiologists will be happy to read—the field of radiology is in a unique position to enhance patient experience and improve patient care overall. Although it might seem like radiologists are at a disadvantage when it comes to affecting patient experience, it is actually far from the truth. The authors of this study offer several reasons why this is the case.
51% of patients think EHRs make healthcare safer – Clinical Innovation
In a recent survey conducted by HealtheLink—regarding the safety of electronic health records (EHRs)—51 percent of respondents believed EHRs by physicians and hospitals makes healthcare “more safe” and when asked whether electronic access is good for healthcare, 82 percent said “yes” or “strongly yes.” However, some of the survey responses may indicate the need for improvement in engaging patients when physicians come into the office.
Blog of the week: Diagnostic imaging in shelter medicine – Everything Rad
Digital radiography is an integral part of veterinary medicine. Read the heartwarming blog by Lollypop Farm to learn how they provided care to a lovable young Doberman.
Check back next Friday for a new issue of Diagnostic Reading. #healthcareIT #radiology #diagnosticreading #EverythingRad