Diagnostic Reading #38: Five “Must Read” Articles on Medical Imaging

Reading Time: 3 minutes read

Radiology apps and facts about radiation risks are in the news.

This week’s articles in Diagnostic Reading include: separating fact from fiction about radiation risks; dual-energy CT helps differentiate types of cancer; physicians favor audiovisual radiology reports; AI learning from the decision-making process; and apps that help radiologists.

Radiation risks from medical imaging: busting the myths – Everything Rad

The perceived risk of radiation from medical imaging remains a major source of concern in the minds of many radiologists, referring physicians, and patients alike, with many instances of patients avoiding indicated studies to avoid radiation. The truth, which every stakeholder needs to understand, is that in fact both epidemiologic evidence and bench research demonstrate that there is no reason to worry about radiation in doses less than 50-100 mGy, which is essentially all of diagnostic radiation. Learn more in this blog by Dr. Akshay Baheti and Dr. Bhavin Jankharia.

Dual-energy CT helps distinguish between lung cancers – Health Imaging

Enhanced dual-energy CT (DE-CT) can help distinguish lung squamous cell carcinoma from adenocarcinoma, according to a study published in Academic Radiology. The authors found iodine quantification parameters taken from a specific phase of DE-CT scanning were “significantly” different in patients with one type of lung cancer versus another. This method can be particularly helpful in patients whose tumor tissue or cells may be difficult to gather with invasive biopsy.

Clinicians may prefer audiovisual radiology reports – AuntMinnie

If given the choice, referring physicians would prefer receiving recorded audiovisual radiology reports with radiologists on video explaining key findings while sharing screen captures from their radiology workstations, according to research published online in the Journal of Digital Imaging. A team of researchers developed an audiovisual reporting tool using screen-capture software and tested it on emergency musculoskeletal (MSK) imaging studies. After surveying orthopaedic surgeons, they found the video reports may improve communication and make imaging findings—especially in complex cases—easier to understand.

AI can help radiologists learn from past, provide better care in future – Radiology Business

Machine learning models can be trained to learn how radiologists make decisions when interpreting screening mammograms, according to a study published in the Journal of Digital Imaging. Such research may have a significant impact if used to train specialists. The deep-learning network architecture can be trained to learn about radiologists’ attention level and decisions, stated the authors.

8 apps for radiologists – Diagnostic Imaging

As patient volume continues to grow throughout healthcare, along with referrals, it may feel like a radiologist’s work is never done. However, with smartphones and innovative apps, it’s possible to stay on top of one’s workload and provide a high level of patient care from virtually anywhere. This article highlights apps designed to stay connected with patients, referring providers and facilities. The overall goal is to help radiologists keep work at their fingertips while being as productive and integrated as possible.

#DiagnosticReading #Radiologists #AI


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