Diagnostic Reading #39: Five “Must Read” Articles on Medical Imaging

Reading Time: 3 minutes read

In the news this week: imaging utilization on the rise; and social media in breast imaging.

This week’s articles in Diagnostic Reading include: ACR reports medical imaging utilization is increasing; a new machine learning algorithm to support patient follow-up; how social media can help radiologists; RSNA and ACR launch medical 3D printing registry; and new technology speeds up brain imaging.

ACR highlights importance of medical imaging, CDS – Radiology Business

The American College of Radiology (ACR) has shared a statement on research that found imaging utilization is on the rise. The study, published in JAMA, explored utilization of CT, MRI and other modalities from 2000 to 2016 in both the United States and Ontario, Canada. The ACR statement focused on the numerous benefits of medical imaging, including the fact that they typically occur in place of more invasive procedures.

Algorithm may automate follow-up imaging adherence using radiology reports – Health Imaging

A machine learning algorithm can determine appropriate follow-up imaging based off of radiology reports, according to a study published in the Journal of Digital Imaging. The technology may eventually be developed to automatically tell if a patient completed their appropriate follow-up exam. Overall, the algorithm achieved “reasonable accuracy” for automatically producing clinically appropriate follow-up studies. 

6 ways social media can help breast radiologists – AuntMinnie

Breast radiologists have the opportunity to interact with patients in ways other radiologists may not, and social media can help them communicate their value to patients, referring physicians and the larger community, according to an article recently published in Journal of Breast Imaging. Educating patients and physician peers is key to a successful breast imaging practice, according to the authors. Direct communication with patients is best, but indirect communication via social media can be quite effective, the authors added. Read the blog by Dr. Wende Young, a pioneer in breast imaging, on Why Radiologists are Most Qualified to Evaluate Breast Health.

RSNA and ACR to collaborate on landmark medical 3D printing registry – Imaging Technology News

The Radiological Society of North America (RSNA) and the American College of Radiology (ACR) will launch a new medical 3D printing clinical data registry to collect 3D printing data at the point of clinical care. A joint ACR-RSNA committee will govern the registry. The collaboration between RSNA and ACR shows the importance of 3D printing to radiology, stated the chair of the RSNA 3D Printing Special Interest Group (SIG).

Faster than fMRI: seeing brain activity in ‘almost real time’ – Healthcare-in-Europe

Functional MRI (fMRI), which measures changes in blood-oxygen levels, has revolutionized neuroscience by revealing functional aspects of the brain, but the vascular changes fMRI measures can take up to six seconds in humans—a veritable eon in brain time. Researchers have discovered a fundamentally new way to measure neuronal function using a technology that can pick up changes in the brain as much as 60 times faster, according to a report published in Science Advances.

#DiagnosticReading #MedicalImagingNews


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