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Diagnostic Reading #27: Five “Must Read” Articles on Medical Imaging

Reading Time: 3 minutes read

In the news: continuing to adapt to the impact of COVID-19.

This week’s articles in Diagnostic Reading include: SIIM20 experts offer best practices for remote reading; reduced anxiety in COVID-19 improves patient care; how to reduce patient no-shows; MRI shows distinct neurological patterns with COVID-19; and 3D X-ray reveals unknown structure in bones.

Experts discuss the best practices for remote reading at SIIM20 – DOTmed HealthCare Business News

In the wake of the coronavirus pandemic, remote reading for radiology is here to stay and imaging centers need to plan for how to best deploy and support workstations, experts stressed during the SIIM20 Virtual Meeting. It’s important to formalize workplace standards and make sure staff gets appropriate equipment, one specialist noted. Imaging centers also have to figure out how to set up the equipment in people’s homes in the age of social distancing, and create a plan for technical support.

a radiologist holding a tablet
Medical imaging professionals, stay up to date on new developments with Diagnostic Reading.

COVID-19: anxiety levels fall, patient handling improves – AuntMinnie Europe

There is now a general absence of fear of COVID-19 patients among radiology staff, and the reduced anxiety levels have resulted in better patient handling, according to two chest radiologists with extensive experience of these cases. They noted that nursing staff, radiographers and radiologists have become much more aware of, and knowledgeable about, the various aspects of the disease. “Initially staff were panicky and fearful…but now everyone is taking precautions and is sedate and calm,” they added.

6 steps toward reducing patient no-shows at your radiology practice – Radiology Business

Patient no-shows were already a costly and disruptive occurrence at imaging practices before the COVID-19 pandemic, but their impact is even more magnified now, when radiologists are dealing with scarce resources and enormous backlogs of deferred care. Although patients may have numerous reasons for standing up their physician, radiology practices must find ways to manage these difficulties to keep their calendars fully booked, experts said in Risk Management and Healthcare Policy. This article offers six strategies to help mitigate this issue.

COVID-19 brain MRI findings reveal three distinct neurological patterns – Health Imaging

Data establishing a connection between COVID-19 and adverse neurological symptoms continues to grow with new research showing three main brain MRI patterns in patients with the disease, according to a study published in Radiology. This study is the first to characterize a large group of confirmed brain MRI abnormalities, excluding stroke, that are related to the virus. MRI scans most often revealed signal abnormalities in the medial temporal lobe, an area of the brain related to critical cognitive and emotional functions.

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3D X-ray reveals secrets from inside bones – Axis Imaging News

An international team of researchers have uncovered a previously unknown substructure in bone tissue by means of a new X-ray technique. The discovery and the technique open up for new approaches to the study of the underlying architecture of bone tissue. The internal structure of bones is of great interest to researchers, and a better understanding of the fundamental biomaterial structures would make it possible to prevent various bone diseases. 

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