Diagnostic Reading #20: Five “Must Read” Articles on Medical Imaging
Reading Time: 3 minutes read
More progress on the role of medical imaging to improve patient care.
This week’s articles in Diagnostic Reading include: RSNA announces in-person meeting; new hope for cancer cure includes imaging data; ultrasound technique better detects problems during pregnancy; enhancing MRI to increase heart attack survival; and new information gleaned from medieval bone fragment scans.
RSNA affirms commitment to in-person meeting in 2021: ‘Ready to get back to Chicago’ – Radiology Business
The Radiological Society of North America (RSNA) reaffirmed its commitment to hosting an in-person meeting later this year in Chicago, with its 107th assembly set to kick off on Nov. 28 at McCormick Place. Also, the Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society (HIMSS) announced it will require attendees to be fully vaccinated for COVID-19 if they want to attend HIMSS21 in Las Vegas; the RSNA did not mention vaccinations nor masks in its update.
Combining imaging data, genomic info may increase radiologists’ confidence diagnosing cancer – Health Imaging
New research suggests combining medical imaging data with cancer biology information may help find a cure for cancer, say experts who unveiled their ‘radiogenomic’ neural network framework in the Journal of Medical Imaging. Their model proved capable of learning about significant associations between subsets of genes and corresponding types of lung cancer. Though other models have produced similar associations, this neural network achieved more, which may prove significant for radiology, the study authors noted.
New technique plus conventional ultrasound scans improve fetal circulation pathology detection – Diagnostic Imaging
Healthcare providers can use a new ultrasound technique to more accurately detect blood flow problems in the placenta, potentially leading to an improvement in the diagnosis of fetal pathologies, according to a study published in eBiomedicine. Investigators combined standard Doppler ultrasound with a new technique called wave reflection analysis—which isolates the part of the pulsation that is specific to the placenta—to diagnose circulatory problems that impact both the maternal and the fetal portions of the placenta during pregnancy.
Study: contrast MRI after a heart attack could increase survival – Healthcare-in-Europe
Treatment for heart attacks could be improved thanks to a novel method of evaluating heart function using contrast-based MRI scans, according to research from the University of Surrey and University College London. The study, published in the journal Advanced Science, found that injection of the trace mineral manganese could enhance MRI scans so that they provide more accurate details of heart function than traditional MRI methods.
Imaging bone fragments suggests higher cancer rate in medieval England than commonly thought – DOTmed HealthCare Business News
With the help of radiological imaging, researchers have detected more signs of malignancy in medieval bone fragments, indicating a higher prevalence of preindustrial cancer than suggested by earlier work, according to a study published in the journal Cancer. The research team from Cambridge University used CT and X-ray imaging to examine skeletal remains recovered from burial sites in the U.K. Prior analysis of ancient remains had contributed to the idea that cancer in the preindustrial world was rare and more significantly a product of modern life.