Diagnostic Reading #13: Five “Must Read” Articles on HIT and Radiology
Reading Time: 3 minutes read
Rad interruptions and Major League Baseball Are in the News.
This week’s articles in Diagnostic Reading include: an urgent care clinic in the UK that implemented a patient record-sharing system; a study about radiologists’ error rates with interruptions; the FDA and digital health regulation changes; the Image Gently Alliance, 10 years later; and how CT scans may help explain the increase in MLB’s home runs.
Urgent care clinicians gain fast access to shared medical records – Digital Health
This article spotlights an urgent care clinic in South Gloucestershire that has implemented a record-sharing system via EMIS Web. Clinicians now have fast access to shared medical records, offering a clear overview of a patient’s medical history. This system provides clinical teams with a complete picture of care and stretches across a number of providers.
Interrupting radiologists does not hurt their accuracy, but it affects them in other negative ways – Radiology Business
Interruptions don’t impact an on-call radiologist’s accuracy but can increase time spent on each case, according to a recently published study in the Journal of Medical Imaging. In the study, ‘interrupting’ phone calls did not change the radiologists’ error rates; however, it did take more time for the radiologists to complete the cases they were reading when the interruptions took place. Eye-tracking software also revealed that the radiologists spent more time looking at a dictation screen after the interruption.
Sweeping changes to US digital health regulation? – HIMSS Europe Insights
The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is considering overhauling its digital health regulation, which includes a new pre-certification for software pilot project. Also, the FDA has just released new Clinical Decision Support guidance.
The Image Gently Alliance 10 years later: challenges met and the future direction – DOTmed
This article summarizes the successes and future direction of The Image Gently Alliance— formerly The Alliance for Radiation Safety in Pediatric Imaging. The alliance was conceived to educate about the informed use of radiation as well as decrease and manage radiation exposure in pediatric patients. This global campaign includes 101 allied organizations with more than 1 million members. Get insights on imaging pediatric patients.
CT scans reveal changes to MLB baseballs – Aunt Minnie
A group of investigators using CT may have discovered why there’s been an explosion of home runs in Major League Baseball. Their research found that the density of scanned baseballs has dipped in recent years—supporting beliefs that “juiced balls” are behind the power surge.
Blog of the week: 6 Myths About Diagnostic Images in Value-Based Care
What are the roles of medical images and radiology in Value-Based Care? Everything Rad separates fact from fiction while diving into 6 different radiology myths! Subscribe today to have new blogs from Everything Rad delivered directly to your email!
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