Diagnostic Imaging: the Year in Review

Reading Time: 6 minutes read

The top 10 medical imaging blogs in 2019.

What were the most popular blogs about diagnostic imaging published on Everything Rad in 2019? Here’s the summary – keep reading to get the complete story behind the headlines!

image of people blurred in background with confetti up close and text in the middle of image "Most Popular Blogs of 2019!"
The top blogs about diagnostic imaging ranged from radiology burnout to X-ray room equipment.

Radiologist burnout can impact patient care and personal well being

Chronic stress and burnout in radiologists and other healthcare professionals is a serious issue. It can lead not only to diminished health and quality of life among the professionals themselves, but also to concerns about patient safety, quality of care, patient outcomes, professionalism, and sustainability of our healthcare systems. Dr. Myriam Hunink delves into the issue and offers steps for organizations and individuals to combat burnout.

Improving the quality of chest X-rays

Mobile chest X-rays are often performed on acutely ill patients who are too critical or unstable to be transported to an X-ray imaging room. The X-rays can be problematic because patients are often imaged while prone. Also, there is the likelihood of potential degradation of image quality due to radiation scatter. This phenomenon occurs most frequently when imaging thicker areas of the body – such as the chest. However, new software that reduces the damaging effects of scatter radiation in an image can help improve the contrast of the image.

Radiographers – think you’re not in forensic imaging? Think again.

Understand your potential role in a forensic examination, and prepare yourself by reviewing the common pitfalls.

Although you might not carry the actual title of “forensic radiologist,” there is a possibility that at some point in your career as a radiologic technologist, you will have a role in a criminal investigation if you suspect a patient has been abused. Read the blog by Dr. Michaela Davis to educate yourself for the possibility of being a witness in a criminal investigation.

Carbon nanotube is a “disruptive” technology in medical imaging

Blogs about new X-ray technology caught our readers’ attention in 2019. Carbon nanotube technology is replacing the traditional vacuum ampoule used in medical imaging equipment. This new “cold” technology increases portability and image quality; and is more energy efficient for mobile imaging.

X-ray room equipment: evaluation and planning

What do you need to consider when selecting X-ray room equipment? In this interview, Rafael Hernandez, Medical Imaging Senior Manager at North Colorado Medical Center, shares the evaluation process behind their purchase of updated imaging systems in both the X-ray rooms in their ER.

Study: increasing adoption of new technology in radiography

Another top blog about diagnostic imaging came from a presentation at ECR 2019. A study by a team at the Department of Health Services Research in the Netherlands identified radiographers’ ideas, views and perceptions of technology. It also identified opportunities to increase adoption of new technology. Read the study to learn which responsibilities lie with managers and which are up to the individuals.

RSNA 19 Puts Spotlight on Radiologists’ Interaction with Patients 

The issue – and the opportunity – for radiologists to interact with patients was in the headlines often in 2019, and also in the spotlight at the RSNA in 2019. All people have the need for a human voice, for information, and for reassurance, said RSNA President Dr. Jackson, emphasizing that interaction with radiologists can help reduce patients’ anxiety and increase their understanding.

rad tech inserting detector into Ascend System with text overlays "Myths vs Facts" and image of a dosimeter
Epidemiologic evidence and bench research demonstrate that there is no reason to worry about radiation in doses less than 50-100 mGy.

Radiation risks from medical imaging: busting the myths

The perceived risk of radiation from medical imaging remains a major source of concern in the minds of many radiologists, referring physicians, and patients alike, with many instances of patients avoiding indicated studies to avoid radiation. The truth, which every stakeholder needs to understand, is that in fact both epidemiologic evidence and bench research demonstrate that there is no reason to worry about radiation in doses less than 50-100 mGy, which is essentially all of diagnostic radiation. Learn more in this blog by Dr. Akshay Baheti and Dr. Bhavin Jankharia.

When to use 2D radiography versus 3D CT for orthopaedic surgical planning and post-op evaluation

Several orthopaedists highlighted the move from 2D X-ray to 3D in 2019. Although computed tomography for medical imaging has been available for some time, weight-bearing 3D CT is a relatively new modality. For the past year, Northwestern Memorial Hospital has been evaluating when and whether to use 3D CT rather than 2D weight-bearing radiography for preoperative planning and post-op evaluation. View the clinical studies and read the recommendations for when to use 3D CT for orthopaedic surgical planning and post-op evaluation rather than 2D radiographs.

Guide: avoiding technology obsolescence in X-ray equipment

How can you run an imaging facility with the best and latest technology… and at the same time minimize financial costs? Read the guide to learn how to minimize worries about technology obsolescence, extend the life of your existing equipment, and enable you to leverage your current investments.

I hope you enjoyed this year in review of diagnostic imaging blogs from 2019. What topics would you like to read about in 2020? Please comment below.

Katie Kilfoyle Remis is the editor of Everything Rad and the global social media manager for Carestream Health. 

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