Carestream DRX-LC Detector


DRX-LC Detector

Faster Long-Length Exams – with a Single Exposure.

Capturing high-quality, long-length images of legs or spine can be difficult – especially with pediatric patients or patients with limited mobility who find it hard to remain still for an extended period of time. The DRX-LC Detector allows capture of long-length images with a single exposure, while:

  • Reducing patient dose.
  • Saving exam time and speeding workflow.
  • Decreasing retakes.
  • Allowing a higher level of patient comfort.
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Detectores DRX

El detector adecuado para cada centro

Carestream ofrece una amplia selección de detectores de DR. Incluyen los modelos inalámbricos, que se pueden compartir, fijos y ahora sin vidrio para satisfacer sus demandas según el tipo de examen, el tamaño del detector, el nivel de dosificación y el presupuesto.

Rápido. Eficiente. Preciso.

El detector DRX-L lleva las imágenes panorámicas a un nuevo nivel.


Utiliza el procesamiento de imágenes Eclipse para obtener una calidad de imagen extraordinaria y proporciona una imagen unificada, sin necesidad de manipular imágenes que se deben combinar debido al movimiento del paciente.

Uso compartido

Ofrece capacidad X-Factor para permitir que el detector se comparta con otros sistemas DRX.


Se adapta fácilmente a los exámenes de escoliosis, piernas largas y espondiloartrosis con el campo de visión más amplio.

Features and Specifications

Diagnostic Confidence
  • Uses Eclipse image processing to deliver extraordinary image quality with consistent presentation.
  • Provides one unified image, no need for manual stitching or manipulation of the image due to patient movement.
  • Allows for more accurate measurements and a higher degree of assurance in treatment planning.
Patient Comfort
  • Minimizes patient discomfort with a shorter hold time and quicker acquisition of images.
  • Reduces dose by using a single exposure vs. two or three.
  • Simplifies workflow and set up time as images are acquired with one exposure.
  • Provides full preview of image in less than a minute to shorten exam time.
  • Speeds exam times and frees up the exam room faster allowing more patients to be imaged.
The DRX-LC Detector is available for use with these Carestream Image-Capture Systems:
  • DRX-Evolution Plus
  • DRX-Compass
  • DRX-Revolution
  • DRX-1 Retrofit System
  • DRX-Transportable System/ Lite
  • DRX-Evolution
  • DRX-Ascend
Additional components include
  • DRX-LC Stand *
  • DRX-LC Mobile Cart *
  • Grid *
  • Weight Bearing Cap *
  • Radiopaque Measuring Ruler *

    * Options – Sold Separately

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